Saturday, April 19, 2008

April 1921 Needlecraft Magazine recipes

I always have loved to read cooking books. I do not cook much but I like to read recipes as if they were short stories. Now, that I have a good selection of old magazines, I love to see what women used to prepare for their families. It surprises me how simple many of these recipes are. Here are a couple of them.
Egg-and-tomato Entree
Heat to the boiling point one cupful of canned tomatoes, season with salt and pepper, and add a teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, a saltspoonful of bicarbonate of soda (cooking-soda). Two cupfuls of grated cheese and three-fourths of a cupful of milk and cream. Stir until the cheese is melted, take from the fire, add two well beaten eggs, pour into individual casseroles or into one large baking dish. cover the top with bread-crumbs and brown in a hot oven.
Celeried Oysters
Cook one pint of oysters in their own liquor until their are plump. Drain and then strain the oyster-liquor and to it add enough cream to make one and a half cupfuls. Melt six tablespoonfuls of butter, add five tablespoonfuls of flour and stir to a paste. Pour in the liquor gradually and beat until creamy. Season with salt, pepper and celery-salt. Add the parboiled oysters and cook until just at the boiling-point. Season with salt and pepper. Pour this over slices of hot buttered toast and sprinkle with finely chopped celery.

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