Monday, July 7, 2008

Ice Cream Recipes from June 1922 Needlecraft Magazine

Time for some old recipes. Here are a couple of ice-cream recipes that I will definitely try this summer. Specially, after I read this post on how to make ice cream at ToddleBits. A great project for the kids.
Caramel Ice-Cream
Put a cupful of brown sugar into a small frying pan and stir over the fire until it melts and begins to smoke a little. Heat together one quart of rich milk and one quart of cream, mix the liquid sugar with them and flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla. Take from the fire and stir until it cools. Then strain the mixture into a freezer and freeze as usual. the flavor of this cream is varied by the length of time the brown sugar is cooked.

Marshmallow Parfait
Whip half a pint of cream, sweeten to taste and set away on ice. Cut in small pieces two bananas, one orange, one quarter pound of marshmallows and add two tablespoonfuls of shredded pineapple. Beat lightly into the cream and fill tall glasses. Decorate with candied cherries.

Peppermint Ice-Cream
Dissolve a half pound of strong cream or sugar peppermints in two cupfuls of rich milk. Strain and then add two cupfuls of stiffly whipped cream and two egg-whites beaten very stiff with a pinch of salt. Freeze and serve with chocolate sauce.

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