Monday, June 30, 2008

Corn in a cup.

Picture from wikipedia.
Today I got to read a recent post at Pink Roses where she lists a recipe for Roasted Corn Dip. Check it out; it sounds really good. It made me think of a popular snack in Mexico, "Elote Desgranado." This snack is usually sold at snack stands or from street vendors that walk around the city pushing a cart. Mexican white corn is a bit meatier and not so sweet as yellow corn but any kind of corn will taste good as well. To prepare an elote desgranado:

1 cup of hot cooked white corn kernels. Cut from the cob is best but canned is ok.
1 tbs. of butter
1 tbs. of mayonnaise
1 tbs. of Mexican fresh cream (creme fresche works)
2 to 3 tbs. of shreded Mexican "queso fresco". (mozzarella or any kind of mild cheese is good too)
chili powder and lemon juice to taste
Mix and enjoy!
I guess you could play around with the amount and type of ingredients to make it healthier but the real thing is the best.

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